Diva Love: Joanne Otto

Write Now Literary Book Tours is pleased to be coordinating a book tour for author Joanne Otto. This is a two-month book tour for her books: The You-Song and Daughter of Jerusalem. This tour will run June-July, 2018.

Daughter of Jerusalem

How did you come to write Daughter of Jerusalem?
The basic outline of the plot had come to me back in the early ‘80s. Two first=century characters presented themselves very vividly to my mind—a craggy-faced, stern but kind Pharisee and the spunky teenage (but already marriageable!) daughter with whom, counter to tradition, he has shared his knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures. I wanted to write a book about what it would have been like for these characters to interact with Jesus during his visits to Jerusalem—a book that would view him from the perspective of his contemporaries.

What finally gave you the push to actually write the story?
In 2009 I happened to share a brief glimpse of the story I’d envisioned with our daughter, Meghan, and her immediate response was vehement: “Mom, you’ve got to write that story!”

I tell about this in the book’s preface because it really was a pivotal moment. For the next few years I tried to learn all I could about the customs and everyday life of first-century Jews in Palestine. I also made a second visit to Jerusalem, trying to imagine my characters in that setting. But after a few years I realized that I’d gotten so entangled in research that I wasn’t feeling the creative spark needed to actually make the characters come alive. At that point I really placed the book in God’s hands. I didn’t care who got credit for writing it. I just wanted to see it out there blessing its readers. I contacted an author friend, Angela Sage Larsen, who I felt certain would love the story as much as I did. She did, but told me that a book contract would prevent her from collaborating with me for at least a year. I asked her what I could do in the meantime, and she replied, “Write me an outline.” That sounded a lot more doable than writing a novella, so I started right in on it. To my amazement it quickly grew into eleven closely written pages as ideas kept flooding in. I could see no reason not to try fleshing out the outline, and within six months I had completed the first draft of the manuscript and enjoyed every moment of it.

Do you have a favorite scene from the story that you’d like to share with us?
My very favorite scene is the one in which the teenage heroine, Mara, has a life-changing one-on-one encounter with Jesus, who is called, as he would have been at that time, by his Aramaic name, Yeshua. But further disclosures about that scene would be a spoiler.

What was it like bringing Jesus into a fictional story?
It was challenging, of course, to even begin to do him justice and to catch the right balance between the human and the divine elements in his nature through words and actions that would ring true for today’s readers.  In doing this I had to view him through the eyes of my fictional characters, especially Mara. How would his teaching differ from the scriptural teaching she’d heard up to this point? What would draw her to him? And a big question I had to answer was how to bring about her encounter with him in the pivotal scene I mentioned. At a period when women’s interactions with men were so restricted, especially in public, I couldn’t have her just walk up to Jesus in the midst of his followers. But the answer came one day, and it felt as if he had answered my question himself from the pages of the Bible. Of course! He’d have known intuitively that she wanted to speak with him.  Insights such as this one made writing Daughter of Jerusalem richly rewarding.

Were there other challenging issues you had to work through in writing the book?
Yes. Some were related to Mara being female and therefore expected to be accompanied by a male relative when out in public. Since Mara does not have a brother (which is why her father has taken her on as a Torah-scholar “son”), her options would be very limited, so there had to be a brother figure in her life. It ended up being Nathan, who has grown up with her and whose family home is on the same courtyard as hers. That may be a slight stretch to the conventions of the period, but Jesus doesn’t seem to have allowed them to limit him.  So I went for it.

Another challenge, believe it or not, was finding the name by which my characters should refer to God. At first I thought of using “Yahweh,” but YHWH was the secret name for God that was so sacred it was not to be spoken aloud. Then I discovered that “Adonai” (Lord) was used in prayer, but that in everyday conversation the One whose name was too holy to pronounce was referred to as “HaShem,” the Name. So you’ll see that name used in the book’s dialogue.

Another challenge was finding the face to represent Mara on the cover. I thought a Google search for “young woman with head scarf” would do the trick, but what came up were flirtatious-looking hussies and sun-weathered candidates for National Geographic. Hundreds passed before my dazed eyes before one intelligent-looking, reasonably attractive young woman turned up. Thanks to Meghan’s artistry, she now graces the cover of my book.

What did you learn during the writing process?
I learned to trust God as my writing coach. It was often in the morning during my quiet time with Him that the best ideas would come. One instance comes to mind. It was the morning after I’d written that one-on-one scene. The thought came to me very clearly, “You need to add something. After that experience with Yeshua, Mara is going to be deep in thought, and your readers will want to know what she’s thinking and feeling.” The paragraph that was added that day ended up being one of the most important in the entire book. It addresses the question: What occurs when someone sees another individual the way Jesus saw? If there’s one key idea I’d like readers to take away from the book, it’s the difference this godly seeing can make.

Are there any other insights you’d like them to be aware of?
Yes. I’d like them to shake off the traditional views of Mary Magdalene and of the Pharisees. In spite of the way she has been portrayed for centuries, there is absolutely no biblical evidence that Mary was ever a prostitute. In Luke’s gospel she is not even introduced until Chapter 8, the one that follows the account of the nameless outcast who washed and anointed Jesus’ feet. So Mary is portrayed in my book as a perfectly respectable woman who is a faithful and grateful disciple of Jesus, and I hope this helps remove some of the stigma that’s been attached to her.

Another stigma I hope to remove is the one overshadowing the Pharisees. It is true that many of them, including Saul of Tarsus, were zealous in their opposition to Jesus and his followers. But there were some who supported him even when it meant risking their reputation among fellow Pharisees. Two of them—Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea—were followers of Jesus who saw to it that his body received a proper burial rather than being left on the cross for birds of prey as was so often the Roman practice after crucifixions. Both these men play a small role in Daughter of Jerusalem, and I hope readers will take note of their courageous support of Jesus at that crucial time.

What audience do you intend Daughter of Jerusalem to reach?
I generally tell people it’s for ages ten and up. Although it’s classified as being for the middle grades, it’s been enjoyed by many adult readers as well, including some who are well acquainted with the Bible. I would love to see it used as a springboard for discussions, perhaps by a mother-daughter book club or Christian youth group, which is why discussion questions on each chapter are included in the appendix. I also hope it will encourage some readers to dig deeper into the Bible. That’s why each chapter that specifically relates to one or more Bible passages has references in the appendix to the books, chapters, and verses where they can find those passages. And there’s also a glossary in the back with simple explanations of 20 words—mostly Hebrew ones—of words the reader may not have encountered before or may wish to know more about. Some readers will just enjoy reading the story, but others may appreciate these extra resources. It’s all about providing for a wide range of readers with a variety of interests.

                                                                      Introducing Joanne

Joanne Otto is a lifelong student of the Bible who has taken four exciting tours of Bible lands and done extensive research, including numerous courses. She has taught foreign languages and English and more recently, as an academic language therapist, has helped dyslexic children strengthen their reading and writing skills. Also a music lover and amateur pianist, she especially enjoys accompanying singers.

Website: http://joanneotto.com/

                About the Book

The You-Song celebrates, in a way young children can understand, the unique and vital place each of us occupies in God's world and encourages them to fill their place in it with joy. Written by a teacher who's helped many children overcome reading challenges, "The You-Song" is user-friendly, consisting of words that are either familiar or easy to decode. Lavishly illustrated with nearly 50 heart-warming photos, it's also fun to read aloud to pre-readers.

Genre: Juvenile Nonfiction

                                                                                                    About the Book

Daughter of Jerusalem" takes its 21st-century readers on a journey back to the first-century world of a young rabbi named Yeshua—better known to us as Jesus. Mara, the young heroine of this story, gets to mingle with the crowds who come to hear him teach during his visits to Jerusalem and, finally, to meet him face to face in a brief, life-changing encounter—one that comes at no small cost to herself. For middle-grade readers who want to use the book as a springboard for deeper study, there are Bible references and questions on each chapter, as well as a glossary. For others, the story itself will be the full journey.

Genre: Christian Fiction

Purchase Link: http://amazon.com/author/joanneotto

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I hope you have enjoyed today's guest on A Diva's Heart! Please come again!

Michelle Lynn Stephens is an Indie Poet and #1 Bestselling Author with Brown Girls Books. She has a heart for helping others and assisting them in sharing their vision with the world. Visit her anytime at http://www.michellelynnstephens.com.

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